Here's a list of key features we've added for Zeemart.
1. Self sign-up
We've made it faster to get started on Zeemart. Just download the app and create an account. Simply register using your mobile phone or email and place your first order on Essentials.
2. Browse Deals & Essentials without an account
Not ready to create an account? No worries! Go ahead and browse through our items in Essentials first. When you're ready to purchase, click on Sign up to create your account.
Click "See what's available" > Enter address > View Deals/Essentials
3. Company verification
For those of you keen on earning order rebates, just upload an ACRA certificate (or something similar) as proof of your business registration. Verification usually takes 1- 2 business days. You can do so by clicking "Manage companies" under settings.
Click here to learn more.
4. Addition of credit cards
You can now add your credit card info in using our mobile app. This was previously only available on our Buyer Hub desktop. Click here to learn more.